Boating While Pregnant

When you are pregnant, you will find that there are many things that you avoid. Mostly, you find that these pose a risk to your pregnancy, therefore, the best solution is to avoid doing such things. One thing that is quite often questioned is whether or not you can go boating while pregnant. Here, we help you understand whether this is doable or not, and what type of precautions you should take if you do plan on going ahead with this activity.

Should You Be Boating While You Are Pregnant?

The short answer to this is yes, boating is not considered harmful for pregnant women as it is a relatively safe water activity for you to do. But there are a few things that you will need to consider before you actually go on to decide to do this. You need to make sure that you consider these things carefully so that you come to the right conclusion about whether or not you should go for boating.

Things To Consider When Planning On Boating While You Are Pregnant

Let’s have a look at the list of things that you should consider if you plan on going boating while you are pregnant.

1. Risk Of Pregnancy

One thing that you should know is that every pregnancy is different from one another. So, you can’t just go on to say if one person went boating while pregnant, then you are safe to go as well. You will need to make sure that you consider your own situation individually. If there is a possibility that your pregnancy is considered a high risk one, then you might want to make sure that you avoid all possibilities of harming it. While there is no direct harm in going boating while pregnant, you can still mitigate any possible risks by not going boating in a high risk pregnancy.

2. The Trimester You Are In

Now, you want to make sure that you consider the trimester you are in before you go boating. Sometimes, you will find that during the early days, you might feel more sick than usual to do anything. Going out boating during these days might not be the best solution for you as that might cause a range of issues while you are on the boat. More than that, you might also find that going boating when you are in your final trimester is not the ideal solution. You want to make sure that you can manage your balance easily on the boat. If your baby bump is too large, there is a chance for you to feel out of balance when you are on the boat.

3. Stability And Balance Issues

When you become pregnant, you should know that the center of your weight and balance changes. You might want to assess how well you are able to figure out your new situation before you get on the boat. If you find yourself completely off balance, then perhaps wait till you are more aware of how to go about your pregnancy and balance to avoid any possible slips while on the boat. You want to make sure that you keep holding on to something throughout the time that you are on the boat so that you avoid getting off balance while you are on the boat.

4. Ensure That You Are Closer To The Shore

If you really wish to go boating, then you might want to make sure that you are following proper order. One of the best things that you can do when going boating is to stay closer to shore throughout the time. Doing so will ensure that you can reach the shore quickly in times of any emergencies. Since pregnancy can bring on a range of new things every day, you want to make sure that you are prepared for anything that might go wrong. So, you should go on for boating, but make sure that you are staying close to the shore while you are at it.

5. Always Remember To Take Care Of Yourself

One thing that you will need to do throughout the time that you are on the boat is to ensure that you consistently take care of yourself. Make sure that you are paying close attention to how you feel while you are on the boat and how you keep yourself safe throughout the time. I have suggested a few tips to keep yourself while you are out boating below. Make sure to pay close attention to these things.

6. Seek Medical Advice Before Getting On The Boat

When you are pregnant, you should make sure that you keep your doctor in the loop whenever you plan on doing some extensive activity. Typically, you will find that boating can easily take up a few hours of your day. So, you want to make sure that your body is able to deal with such long durations out at sea. Now, you can easily assess your situation by making sure that you reach out for professional help. Asking your doctor will help determine whether you will be able to go out to sea for boating or not.

7. Learn About The Boat Ride Experience You Will Be Going For

One thing that you must always make sure to do before you go boating is to get to know the type of boating that you are opting for. You want to make sure that you do not go for something too extensive that you might not be able to deal with. It is best to always make sure that you go for something not too overwhelming or strenuous when you are pregnant. So, check and verify before you plan your boating trip.

Security Measures You Need To Take When You Are Boating While Pregnant

There are a few safety precautions that you can follow to ensure that you remain safe throughout your boating experience. Let’s have a look at these.

  • Secure Balance

One of the more important things that you will need to do is make sure to keep yourself balanced throughout the time you are on the boat. You can do this by holding on to the railings or bars of the boat to keep yourself firmly footed on the boat. Along with this, you can practice your balance beforehand as well.

  • Wear Appropriate Life Jacket

One thing is for sure, you will need to be wearing an appropriate life jacket to keep yourself safe throughout. What do I mean by the appropriate life jacket? Essentially, you should know that there are different sizes of life jackets available for you to make use of. The best possible solution for you is to make sure to measure which one works the best for you so that you can get yourself the right size.

  • Prepare For Your Morning Sickness

You will find that if you are in your first trimester, there is a high possibility that you might suffer from morning sickness. So, you want to take proper precautions when you are going out boating during these times. Try to keep away from eating too much food while you are on the boat or before that. This will keep the morning sickness to a minimum while you are out boating. More than that, you can also prepare for such situations by keeping plastic bags for yourself.

  • Keep Yourself Hydrated

A key thing to ensure at all times is hydration. You must make sure that you are hydrated throughout the time that you are out boating. There is going to be sun exposure that might lead to dehydration. Avoid this situations by increasing your water intake. You might need to use the loo frequently, but it will help you exceptionally in other aspects.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Let’s have a look at some of the more frequently asked questions when it comes to boating while pregnant.

Are Water-Related Activities Safe For Pregnant Women?

If you are wondering whether parasailing or white-water rafting is safe while you are pregnant, then the answer is no. It is best to avoid these activities. However, you can go ahead with sailing, snorkeling, and kayaking after consulting with your doctor.

Is Jet Skiing Possibly When Pregnant?

Jet skiing is not something that you should consider when you are pregnant. Mainly because it requires a lot of balance that will be difficult for you to get when you have a baby bump to care for. Try going for other, less strenuous activities, such as snorkeling.

Is Cruising Safe For Pregnant Women?

Cruising is a great option for women who love to be out at the sea only after getting approval from their doctors. The first or the second trimesters are the ideal time for you to go out on a cruise. But make sure to not go for ones that are too long, a few weeks is good enough.

All in all, you will find that boating for pregnant women is safe, as long as the right safety measures are followed. Once again, I suggest that you should consult your doctor before making any decision about this water activity.

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